Mathematics & Computer Science

Veronica D'Andrea, Director of Mathematics
(914) 630-3146


The goal of the Harrison Central School District K-12 math curriculum is to develop flexible, resourceful and independent problem solvers who appreciate mathematics and its purpose in their everyday lives.  To achieve this goal, the curriculum is mathematically rich, providing students opportunities to access and engage in hypothesizing, conjecturing, predicting, and verifying. The curriculum is built on the following tenets:

  • High expectations and strong support for all students

  • Balanced approach between conceptual understanding and procedural fluency

  • Coherent, well articulated, and aligned to Common Core State Standards


The progression of concepts and skills developed through the elementary grades (K-5) is aligned to the Common Core State Standards.  In grades K-2, the major focus is on number, place value, operations (addition and subtraction), and properties (communicative and associative).  Geometry, measurement, and data play supporting roles in the development of number concepts and relationships in K-2. In grade 3, the focus shifts from addition and subtraction to concepts of multiplication and division, with an understanding of the distributive and associative properties.  In grades 4-5, students become fluent with multiplication and division concepts and procedures.In grades 3-5, there is a major emphasis on fraction understandings, progressing from conceptual to fluency with operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), which culminates in grade 5. As in K-2, measurement, geometry, and data play supporting roles in the development of fractions.

Critical Content includes: 

  • Grade K: Counting Skills and Early Addition and Subtraction
  • Grade 1: Addition and Subtraction within 20
  • Grade 2: Addition and Subtraction within 1000
  • Grade 3: Multiplication, Division, and Fractions
  • Grade 4: Multiplication, Division, and Fractions
  • Grade 5: Fractions and Decimals

Required Assessments:
NYS Common Core Mathematics Exams Grades 3, 4, & 5


At the secondary level, the 6-12 curriculum and pathway offerings are organized to ensure all students are College and Career ready, a goal of the Common Core State Standards. The middle school curriculum connects the learning students have done in the elementary grades to the formal study of algebra, ratios and proportions, geometry, and statistics. Middle school students receive an accelerated curriculum to prepare for the Algebra I course in grade 8. 

At the middle school, The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), promotes both inquiry and application, helping students to develop problem solving techniques that transcend the area of mathematics and that are useful in the world beyond school.

Through the MYP mathematics framework, students in grades 6-10 investigate and explore topics including: number systems, algebra, geometry, ratios and proportions and statistics and probability. MYP mathematics equips all students with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for further studies in mathematics. 

Critical Content includes: 

  • Grade 6: The Number System, Ratio and Proportional Relationships, Algebra, Geometry
  • Grade 7: Rational Numbers, Proportional Relationship, Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics/Probability
  • Grade 8: Number Sense and Equations, Functions, Systems of Equations, Inequalities, Quadratics, Statistics

Required Assessments:
NYS Common Core Mathematics Exams Grades 6 & 7
Regents: Algebra I - Grade 8


To meet the interests and needs of all students, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers a variety of courses at Harrison High School that comprise differentiated pathways with options for Regents, Non-Regents, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced Placement courses. One of the unique aspects of our mathematics program is that it allows students to merge into different pathways at different points in time.

HHS Mathematics Offerings

  • Grade 9: Geometry, Discovery Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra Year 1, Algebra/Trigonometry, Topics in Pre-Calculus I
  • Grade 10:  Algebra II, Algebra Year 2, Applied Math, Discovery Algebra II, Geometry/Trigonometry, Topics in Pre-Calculus II
  • Grade 11 and 12: College Algebra, IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL, IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus BC I, AP Calculus BC I & II, MultiVariable Calculus                                                                                                    

HHS Computer Science:

  • Introduction to Computer Science 
  • Computer Science II 
  • Web Design & Programming (SUPA) 
  • Computer Software Engineering (SUPA) 

Required Assessments:
Regents Exams:
Geometry, Algebra II
Advanced Placement Exams: AP Calculus BC
International Baccalaureate Exams: IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL, IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL